Virgin shark birth at Omaha Zoo first in world!! It's the first of it's kind, the virgin birth of a shark. It happened in Omaha at the Henry Doorly Zoo. It took zoologists and geneticists 6 years to figure it out, but they have finally confirmed that a baby shark had no father.The Bonnethead Shark was born in December 2001, and was killed by a stingray the same day. At first, zoologists thought one of three things, the shark had mated before being captured, the shark had mated with another species in the tank, or the shark was the product of a true virgin birth."If you ended up with an all-female population that was on the brink of distinction and then a female produced by virgin birth a male offspring," says zoo director Dr. Lee Simmons. "That offspring could breed with unrelated females and carry on the population."After 6 years of looking at DNA, experts found that the male baby shark was an exact copy of its mother, which would be an even greater discovery for planet Earth.
From 2006....
Virgin dragon to give birth in holiday season
Komodo managed to become pregnant without male help
Komodo managed to become pregnant without male help
http://www.flockofdodos.com/ Watch this doc!!! It is playing on Showtime now!!
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