Friday, March 23, 2007

Happy Days in Happy Valley

Rene Portland resigns after 27 seasons as PSU's homophobic women's basketball coach. The allegations of Portland's homophobic attitudes in keeping lesbians off PSU's team have dodged her career @ PSU for 20 years. The most recent allegations came in a December 2005 lawsuit, Jennifer Harris, a former player, accused Portland of "humiliating, berating and ostracizing'' her, and claimed she was told that she needed to look "more feminine.'' The suit alleged Portland tried to force Harris, who says she is not gay, to leave the team. Last April, Portland was reprimanded following a university investigation and threatened with dismissal for any future violation of the school's discrimination policy. She also was fined $10,000 and ordered to take professional development "devoted to diversity and inclusiveness.'' It is unknown if she ever took the professional development courses.

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