Friday, March 27, 2009

30 years ago TMI memories

I do remember was 30 years ago....memories of an atomic childhood in PA during the cold war..........The Three Mile Island accident of 1979 was a partial core meltdown in Unit 2 (a pressurized water reactor manufactured by Babcock & Wilcox) of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania near Harrisburg. It was the most significant accident in the history of the American commercial nuclear power generating industry, resulting in the release of an estimated 43,000 curies (1.59 PBq) of radioactive krypton,[1] but less than 20 curies (740 GBq) of the particularly hazardous iodine-131.[2].

from wiki to read more check out this link:

Black and white photo: This 1979 photo of Three Mile Island shows steam rising from the unit that was damaged by a near meltdown two weeks later. (Daily Record / Sunday News - File)

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