I have been thinking a lot about David Foster Wallace, still. I just read A.O. Scott's article in the Sunday New York Times last night. Here is the link:http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/21/weekinreview/21scott.html
I love the last paragraph:
Outside of graduate classrooms, not many readers swallow the “Cantos” whole, and a similar fate may lie in store for “Infinite Jest.” Mr. Wallace is likely to remain available to general readers in the smaller, less daunting doses of his stories and journalism. He will also survive as an ally and an influence, a link between the giants who inspired and enraged him and whoever comes next. But he will be terribly missed by those of us who were lost with him in the maze of self-consciousness and self-doubt that defined our peculiar destiny. He illuminated the maze brilliantly, even if he couldn’t show us the way out.
Photo credit:Suzy Allman for The New York Times
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