Saturday, September 27, 2008

Wasilla Watch-Sarah Palin and making the victims pay

Editorial Observer by Dorothy Samuels in the New York Times....9/25/08
Wasilla Watch: Sarah Palin and the Rape Kits -
Assault victims in Wasilla, Alaska, were being billed for the cost of rape kits and forensic exams while Sarah Palin was mayor. Even in tough budget times, there are lines that cannot be crossed. So I was startled by this tidbit reported recently by The Associated Press: When Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, the small town began billing sexual-assault victims for the cost of rape kits and forensic exams.
Ms. Palin owes voters an explanation.(!!!!!) What was the thinking behind cutting the measly few thousand dollars needed to cover the yearly cost of swabs, specimen containers and medical tests? Whose dumb idea was it to make assault victims and their insurance companies pay instead? Unfortunately, her campaign is shielding the candidate from the press, so Americans may still be waiting for answers on Election Day. PLEASE READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE!
Check out the link-

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