Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Address America

I was listening to NPR on the way home and I heard this story about a contest the Constitutional Center held. The National Constitution Center and SMITH Magazine ask participants to help President -elect Obama inspire America. In six words, give him guidance. Offer ideas for his inaugural address. Six memorable words for January 20th.I n six words, a President can say a lot: "To bind up the nation’s wounds" (Abraham Lincoln, 1865) "Pay any price, bear any burden" (John F. Kennedy, 1961).

The winners of the contest are:"Divided by fear, united in hope." (GRAND PRIZE WINNER)Submitted by Donna Formica-Wilsey of Philadelphia, PA
"Shared dream. Shared destiny. Shared duty."Submitted by Charlene Ann McGrady of West Chester, Pennsylvania
"Together we can change tomorrow, today."Submitted by Casey Oehler
"America’s story is still being written."Submitted by RenĂ©e Hope Guillory of Phoenix, AZ
"Complacency undermines us, change redeems us."Submitted by Tiffany Roget of Los Angeles
"These are testing times, study hard."Submitted by Dyan Titchnell of Jenkintown, PA
Check out this link:

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