Saturday, January 10, 2009

WOLF MOON tonight tonight tonight lunar event

Saturday Night Special: Biggest Full Moon of 2009 – Fri Jan 9, 12:56 pm ET

If skies are clear Saturday, go out at sunset and look for the giant moon rising in the east. It will be the biggest and brightest one of 2009, sure to wow even seasoned observers....It will appear about 14 percent bigger in our sky and 30 percent brighter than some other full moons during 2009, according to NASA. (A similar setup occurred in December, making that month's full moon the largest of 2008.)...

This month's full moon is known as the Wolf Moon from Native American folklore. The full moon's of each month are named. January's is also known as the Old Moon and the Snow Moon. Those of us in the northeast will be experiencing a winter storm and probably won't be seeing the Wolf Moon. I hope the rest of you can experience it.

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