Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What ? No more six days of mail delivery?

from AP -WASHINGTON - Massive deficits could force the post office to cut out one day of mail delivery per week, the postmaster general told Congress on Wednesday.
Postmaster General John E. Potter asked lawmakers to lift the requirement that the agency deliver mail six days a week.
Faced with dwindling mail volume and rising costs, the post office was $2.8 billion in the red last year and, “if current trends continue, we could experience a net loss of $6 billion or more this fiscal year,” Potter said in testimony for a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee. and this link

USPS may cut day of mail delivery
Economic downturn has caused a steep decline in mail volume, postmaster says.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats fine with me and a good idea, i think. do we REALLY need mail delivered on saturdays? i don't think so....